Why SNS?


Our school has many distinguishing features in common

  1. A very clear and shared mission and vision for the school is also paramount. Staff, students, parents and the community needs to know the purpose and operational parameters of the school. Nothing is left to chance.
  2. Great leadership from the Principal. The Principal is both instructional leader and manager of the school. While both these roles are important he or she must pay particular attention to instructional leadership. This is what drives, continual improvement in teaching and learning throughout the school.

A relentless focus on teaching and learning. This is informed by the belief that all students can learn. Teachers must find ways to motivate and engage them. The curriculum is rigorous and teacher’s performance is regularly monitored by the principal and executive staff. Teachers and students strive for excellence in academic and extra-curricular activities. Good performance is always publicly recognized and rewarded in various ways.

A safe environment.  There is zero tolerance for violence, bullying, stealing and bad conduct. Heavy emphasis on positive values such as respect, honesty, hard work, self-discipline, fairness and care.

A focus on professional development of teachers. This includes mentoring, delegation of tasks and additional responsibility and formal-in-house or external professional development causes Teachers are accountable for their performance.

Teamwork – identification of collaborative solving of teaching and learning problems at the school. Staff members are empowered to take the initiative and make decisions. The principal facilitates and monitors this process.