The 75th Republic Day was celebrated with Pride and Reverence at Shiksha Niketan Senior Secondary School, Jeevan Nagar- Jammu on January 26, 2024. This function was organised under the supervision of the Headmaster, Sh. Harish Sharma and all the Wing Incharges of the School. All the Teachers and Non- Teaching Staff Members were present on the occasion. The ceremony began with the hoisting of the Tricolour National Flag by the Principal of the School, Sh. Rameshwar Mengi Ji, alongwith the Director of RMPS, Mr Rakshan Mengi and the Director of Shiksha Niketan and Pushp Vatika, Mr Risheek Mengi in the presence of all the Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the school. The flag hoisting ceremony was organized in the school ground. The Flag hoisting was followed by the National Anthem.
The cultural celebrations, in the virtual platform included, the Dance, the Music and the Talks by the teachers as well as the students. Listening to and singing of the patriotic songs triggered in the children and teachers alike, many emotions like Pride, Love and Respect for the country.
The Principal of the School, Sh. Rameshwar Mengi Ji, in his address, apprised the gathering briefly about the Drafting of the Indian Constitution, its unique features and the fact that all students and the younger generation need to know about the Constitution in order to understand how they have to lead their life in future, and exhorted the parent audience, to give time to their children & talk to them about the Constitution channelizing their Tender Minds to understand what is right and ethical for them as True Nationals. His worthyself also lauded the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the nation. The event concluded with the distribution of sweets to the audience .